Our reunion was a great success! It was wonderful to see so many 'old' friends - everyone looked amazing and seemed happy in life. For those of you who weren't able to be there - we missed you.
If you have pictures and stories you would like to share, please send them to: smileyandrews@comcast.net
A HUGE thanks goes to Alina and the reunion committee for making it happen.
If you are interested in making a donation to the Holy Name Scholarship Fund, please make your check payable to the "Holy Name SEED Foundation" and send to Alina Shaver at: 1520 Hawkshead Ln., Louisville, KY 40220
Cool pic, John. Hoping to make it up for the reunion. I've lost 20 more pounds and can't wait to show off the post-cancer me!
Anne's dad and mine worked together ....I still have fond memories of Canollis from the Abate Family.
And I still have my grandmother's recipe, Greg! Hm, maybe I should make some for the reunion . . .
It will be great to see everyone again.
Perhaps we can cut a deal as my youngest child (a HS Junior) wants to become a pastry chef and is always looking for a great recipe ;->
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